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17 years ago
Jesse Hermann [Guest]
There is this awesome free piano sheet music site called www.pianofiles.com you need to be a member in order to use it (get the persons email who has the sheets that you want) but you can see what sheets they have without being a member...so check it out NOW!!!
17 years ago
slickrick [Guest]
yeah i've tried pianofiles before but it seems like nobody ever replies to the inquiries
17 years ago
Jesse [Guest]
yeah i know what you mean...but it still has some great music to select from
17 years ago

 [Pro Tabber] 40 Posts
shoot you just need ahuge library of sheets its a trade site and im am ember i get just about anything i ever need from there.
17 years ago
Jetflyer [Guest]
you dont really need alot of sheets, i trade all of the stuff that is on www.tabnabber.com
3 years ago
Walllly [Guest]
pianofiles is dead, swappano is dead, it's all dead now!!
Scribd has some stuff but the search in Scribd is garbage. You are better off using Google like this:
site:scribd.com showmethemusic
Of course it's best to avoid copyrighted material altogether, good luck
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