Discussion Forums
Free wisdom and all questions answered or your money back!
18 years ago
The Piano Forum [Guest]
Here's a link to a new forum for talking about the piano:
17 years ago
nati [Guest]
Hey do you know where fur elise sheet music is.....WHITH chords?
17 years ago
sagepowder [Guest]
I am new here, just saying hello :) <3 sagepowder
17 years ago
sagepowder [Guest]
Any snowboarders or skiiers on this forum? I am planning a trip to BC on a snowboarding trip next week =) =) <3 sagepowder
17 years ago
nati [Guest]
thanks foir the forum.
17 years ago
sagepowder [Guest]
Anyone hear anything about that avalanche in Colorado? <3 sagepowder
17 years ago

 [Admin] 415 Posts
I'm in CO, but hadn't heard about the avalanche. There is lots of snow and wind out here, though!
17 years ago
sagepowder [Guest]
You wont believe this, I got in my car today and the temp said -7 degrees! so yeah that is exteremely cold and I freezed my @$$ off going to my car
17 years ago

 [New Recruit] 19 Posts
I in New York we had 2 snow days because it was -18 with the wind chill. Burrrrrrrrr!
17 years ago

 [New Recruit] 19 Posts
if you lived here you might think an avalanche is coming down on top of us. we are getting like 2 inches an hour with 5 per hour coming
17 years ago
dre [Guest]
That site is down! Somebody forgot to pay the bill!
17 years ago
kylie [Guest]
we had a few weeks off of school right after christmas break because there was an ice storm here in nebraska and basically everyone lost power.. for at least two weeks but since i live in the country we lost ours for a month.. it sucked haha there was like 2 inches of ice on everything outside
17 years ago
cryp2nyte [Guest]
Yeah, this site has fur elise and other good ones. www.writtenmelodies.com
16 years ago

 [New Recruit] 1 Posts
wow i live in nd and we havent had any snow days
16 years ago

 [Tabber] 72 Posts
i have the sheet music for fur elise. I will post it if you would like that.
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