[0:00] intro lead 4|--b--b--b--b---a--F--e-d-----------------|- 3|--------------------------b-a-b-a-F-e----|- main lead melody 4|--F--F--e-F--e-d----d--e-F--F--F--e-F--e-d----------------------|- 4|--d--e-C--d--d--C------------d--d--d--d--d--e-------------------|- 3|-------------------b---a--a-------------------------------------|- Chords (for rhythm guitar) D X~W-5--7--7--7-X---------------------------------| F# X--9-11-11-11-X----------------------------------| G X-10-12-12-12-X----------------------------------| F#min X--9-11-11-10------------------------------------|(9) Emin X~W-8-10-10~W-9-X--------------------------------| A5 X~W-7--7~W-9~W10-X or A X~W-7--7--6~W-5-X-| F#5 2~W4-4~WX~WX-X G5 3~W5-5~WX~WX-X [0:00] rhythm guitar 4|---b---|--a---|--g--|--e--|- 4|---g---|--F---|--e--|--C--|- [0:09] | D | F# | G | F#min | Emin | A | repeat four times [0:42] | G | A | D | A | Bmin | repeat two times Laughs and jokes... ...was | G | A | old, argumentative... For the above GADABmin chords, I'd prefer G 3-5-5-4-3-3-| A 5-7-7-6-5-5-| D X-5-7-7-7-5-| Bmin X-2-4-4-3-3-| [1:04] | D | F# | G | F#min | Emin | A | repeat three times [1:30] | G | A | D | A | Bmin | repeat two times Just laugh and joke... | G | A | old, argumentative... [1:52] | F#5 | G5 | three times | F#5 | G5 | A5 | Solo [2:08] 4|---e-d--C--d----C--d--e-d--C--d--C-----C------------------------|- 3|-------------------------------------b----b--a--b-a---F-F-------|- 4|------------------d-d-d-d-e-C----C-C-C-d-e--F--e-d--------------|- 3|--e-F-a-F-e-d--d------------------------------------b-----------|- 4|----d--d--d--e-F--e-d--e-d-----|- 3|--b----------------------------|- [2:08] | D | F# | G | F#min | Emin | A | repeat two times [2:26] | G | A | D | A | Bmin | | G | A | D ||
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