adam [Guest]
| 16 years ago hey just to let everyone know if you dont this song is in the key of G which means.... yes, F's are sharp
Uh Leesh Uh [Guest]
| 16 years ago I'm just learning tabs, I've always read straight from original music and I was just curious, the 5th octave is all right hand correct? and everything lower is your left hand?
nottheoneyouwant [Guest]
| 16 years ago please finish. =] ilove this song. it's amazing.
vadsfg [Guest]
| 16 years ago pretty good
woahtabnabber [Guest]
| 16 years ago wow this is great! please please finish it soon because my friend is moving away and he loves this song and i want to play it for him before he leaves.

| 16 years ago its -41iff- here.i finish the verse and chorus, left the bridge and outro, give me sometime okay?peace out! :)

| 16 years ago Hey admins I want to own this tab and edit it.
hello [Guest]
| 16 years ago great!! finish up please :))

| 16 years ago Not bad but. Instead of keep making new tabs JOIN TABNABBER!!! You'll be supporting them AND you can edit your tabs!
ToonTown760 [Guest]
| 16 years ago this is great...finish it off please!
shelby [Guest]
| 16 years ago yay you made it better =) please finish it =) we love you
sarah_ann013 [Guest]
| 16 years ago This is Amazing