Piano Chord Scales - Nashville Chord System Chorded By: Da Tickler (3/9/09) Here is a table of piano chord scales which are commonly referred to as the 'Nashville Chord System' of numbering chord scales (1-7). It comes in very handy when you're writing songs & you're looking for that next chord in a particular progression in your song. From left-to-right these are the chord scales for the 'MAJOR' chords. *** The 'MINOR' chord scales can be easily derived from thses MAJOR chord scales by beginning at #6. Hence, 6 becomes 1, 7 - 2, 1 - 3, 2 - 4, etc. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 __________________________________________________________________________________ [CC] | [DmDm] | [EmEm] | [FF] | [GG] | [AmAm] | Bdim __________________________________________________________________________________ [C#C#] | [D#mD#m] | [FmFm] | [F#F#] | [G#G#] | [A#mA#m] | Cdim (Db) (Ebm) (Gb) (Ab) (Bbm) __________________________________________________________________________________ [DD] | [EmEm] | [F#mF#m] | [GG] | [AA] | [BmBm] | C#dim (Gbm) (Dbdim) __________________________________________________________________________________ [D#D#] | [FmFm] | [GmGm] | [G#G#] | [A#A#] | [CmCm] | Ddim (Eb) (Ab) (Bb) __________________________________________________________________________________ [EE] | [F#mF#m] | [G#mG#m] | [AA] | [BB] | [C#mC#m] | D#dim (Gbm) (Abm) (Dbm) (Ebdim) __________________________________________________________________________________ [FF] | [GmGm] | [AmAm] | [A#A#] | [CC] | [DmDm] | Edim (Bb) __________________________________________________________________________________ [F#F#] | [G#mG#m] | [A#mA#m] | [BB] | [C#C#] | [D#mD#m] | Fdim (Gb) (Abm) (Bbm) (Db) (Ebm) __________________________________________________________________________________ [GG] | [AmAm] | [BmBm] | [CC] | [DD] | [EmEm] | F#dim (Gbdim) __________________________________________________________________________________ [G#G#] | [BbmBbm] | [CmCm] | [C#C#] | [D#D#] | [FmFm] | Gdim (Ab) (A#m) (Db) (Eb) __________________________________________________________________________________ [AA] | [BmBm] | [C#mC#m] | [DD] | [EE] | [F#mF#m] | G#dim (Dbm) (Gbm) (Abdim) __________________________________________________________________________________ [A#A#] | [CmCm] | [DmDm] | [D#D#] | [FF] | [GmGm] | Adim (Bb) (Eb) __________________________________________________________________________________ [BB] | [C#mC#m] | [D#mD#m] | [EE] | [F#F#] | [G#mG#m] | A#dim (Dbm) (Ebm) (Gb) (Abm) (Gbdim) __________________________________________________________________________________ Song Chord Charts:
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