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Guitar Tab, Chords

(5 from 1 votes)
29,018 Views, Last Update 10 years ago
by: Da Tickler

Hold On - Triumph (Rik Emmett, 1979)
Tabbed & Chorded By: Da Tickler

4/4 TIME @ 120 BPM (5 Min. 40 Sec.) in 'D' & 'E'.

Chords Used:
                  GUITAR                KEYS
             E  A  D  G  B  e    Bass|    Chord
            ------------------   ------------------
D         -  x  x  0  2  3  2     D    A-D-F#
G/D       -  x  x  0  4  3  3     D    G-B-D
A/D       -  x  x  0  6  5  5     D    A-C#-E
G/D*      -  x  x  0  7  8  7     D    B-D-G
A/D*      -  x  x  0  9  10 9     D    C#-E-A
Em7       -  0  2  2  0  3  0     E    G-B-D-E
A7        -  x  0  2  0  2  0     A    A-C#-E-G
C         -  x  3  2  0  1  0     C    G-C-E
G         -  3  2  0  0  0  3     G    G-B-D       -OR-
          -  3  2  0  0  3  3     G    G-B-D
Bm        -  x  2  4  4  3  2     B    B-D-F#
GM7       -  3  2  0  0  0  2     G    G-B-D-F#
F#m       -  2  4  4  2  2  2     F#   A-C#-F#
B7s       -  x  2  2  2  0  2     B    B-E-F#-A    -OR-
B7s       -  x  2  4  2  5  2     B    B-E-F#-A
E         -  0  2  2  1  0  0     E    G#-B-E
F#m7a4/E  -  0  4  4  2  0  0     E    A-B-C#-E-F#
EM7       -  0  6  6  4  0  0     E    G#-B-D#-E
As4       -  x  0  2  2  3  0     A    A-D-E
A         -  x  0  2  2  2  0     A    A-C#-E
B         -  x  2  4  4  4  2     B    B-D#-F#
F#m7      -  2  4  2  2  2  2     F#   A-C#-E-F#
Bs4       -  x  2  4  4  5  2     B    B-E-F#      -OR-
          -  x  2  2  4  5  2     B    B-E-F#
B/E       -  x  x  2  4  4  2     E    B-D#-F#
D/E       -  x  x  2  2  3  2     E    A-D-F#
A         -  x  x  2  2  2  0     E    A-C#-E
EM7/G#    -  4  6  6  4  0  0     G#   G#-B-D#-E
G6        -  3  2  0  0  0  0     G    G-B-D-E
Es4       -  0  2  2  2  0  0     E    A-B-E

INTRO: [9 M] * Key = 'D' -

'INTRO' Guitar TAB -

  D                G/D              A/D              G/D
  1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &  1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &  1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &  1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &

  D                G/D              A/D              A/D G/D*

                                                  1   2    3  4 …
|D     |G/D   |A/D   |G/D   |D     |G/D   |A/D   |A/D G/D* A/D*  |A/D*  |

VERSE #1: [22 M] * Key = 'D' -

|D                     |G/D          |A/D                         |G/D     |
 Mu-…  sic holds… a se-… cret…     To know it can… make… you whole…

|D                  |G/D                       |A/D                    |
   It's not… just… a game… of notes,…  it's the sounds…  in-side…  your

|G/D          |Em7                   |A7            |D             C       |
 soul…     The ma-…  gic of… the mel-… o-dy…   runs… through… you… like… a…

|G              |Em7                     |A7                         |
 stream…     The notes… that play…  flow… through… your head…  like a

|Bm           |Bm      |GM7     |GM7         |F#m         |F#m     |
 dream,…                               like a dream…

|B7s     |B7s     |

VERSE #2: [12 M] * Key = 'E' -

|E                        |F#m7a4/E                  |
 sing… this… song… for the com-mon… man,… and for the

|EM7                    |F#m7a4/E|E                    |
 peo-…  ple in… de-spair…       I bring… my… song… in-…

|F#m7a4/E              |EM7                     |F#m7a4/E  |
-to… the world,…  and I sing…  it ev-… 'ry-where…       The

|E                      |D                     |As4              A     |
 sim-… ple… truth… lies… wait-… ing… here…  for ev-… 'ry-one… to share…

|A        |
…      So…

CHORUS #1: [11 M]

|E         B   |B         |D                 A     |A       |
 hold…     on,…        and I… will take… you there…

|E         B   |B         |F#m7    |F#m7       |A          |
 hold…     on,…        and I…       will…       take…

|B         |Bs4     |

TRANSITION: [10 M] 'Double-Time' Feel -

 1 & 2  &3&4& 1&2 &3&4& 1 2 3 4  1&2 &3&4& 1&2&3&4& 1&2&3&4&
|E      B/E  |D/E A/E  |E  B/E  |D/E A/E  |E  B    |D  A    |

 1&2&3&4& 1&2&3&4&…         1&2&3&4&
|E  B    |D  A    |E  B    |D  A      |

VERSE #3: [8 M]

|E                                  |D               A          |
 dai-ly rou-… tine takes your soul,… lost with-out a trace…   It

|E                                        |D                A          |
 holds you down… and turns you 'round, and puts you in your place…   An-

|F#m7       EM7/G#                 |A                        |
-oth-er day,… an-oth-er dol-lar, an-oth-er pret-ty face…   An-

|F#m7           EM7/G#             |D               A       |
-oth-er chance… to lose… your-self… in the end-less race…

CHORUS #2: [13 M]

|E      B/E    |D/E             A/E       |E      B/E   |
 Hold…  on,…    hold on to your dreams…    Hold…  on…

|D/E            A/E       |E            B/E         |
 ev-en though it seems…    ev-'ry-one a-round… you…

|D/E               A/E        |E           B/E             |
 has their lit-tle schemes…    Lis-ten to… your heart…  and

|F#m7         |A               |E        B    |D  A    |E  B    |D  A    |
 ho-…   old…   on…     to your… dreams…

VERSE #4: [8 M]

|E                            |D              A         |
 Can't you feel… the ma-gic,…  feel it ev-'ry-where?…

|E                                   |D                 A      |
 Can't you hear… the mu-sic?… There's some-thin' in the air…

|F#m7         EM7/G#          |A                      |
 There's a cel-… e-bra-tion…   deep with-in a song…

|F#m7         EM7/G#               |D                A        |
 Ce-le-brate… this feel-… in', you… know it can't be wrong…

CHORUS #3: [13 M]

|E      B/E    |D/E             A/E       |E      B/E   |
 Hold…  on,…    hold on to your dreams…    Hold…  on…

|D/E            A/E       |E            B/E         |
 ev-en though it seems…    ev-'ry-one a-round… you…

|D/E               A/E        |E           B/E             |
 has their lit-tle schemes…    Lis-ten to… your heart…  and

|F#m7         |A               |E        B    |D  A    |E  B    |D  A    |
 ho-…   old…   on…     to your… dreams…

REFRAIN #1: [10 M]

|E      B/E   |D/E A/E   |E      B/E   |D/E A/E   |
 Hold…  on…               Hold…  on…

|E      B/E   |D/E A/E   |E      B/E   |NC      |Bs4     |B       |
 Hold…  on…               Hold…  on…

BRIDGE: [18 M]

|E                        |G6                |As4    A     |A       |
 Caught… up… in… rou-tine,…    you've got… to fake…   it…

|E                         |G6               |As4    A     |A       |
 Time… won't… wait… for us,…    we've got… to make…   it…

|E                           |G6                |As4    A      |As4 A     |
 Fate… gives… you… the chance…    you've got… to take…   it,…

|Bs4    B     |Bs4 B     |Bs4     |Bs4     |Bs4     |Bs4     |
 take…   it…


E [8X] - F#m - G - A

| E | F#m | G | A -B-D| E - B | D - A |

|?       |?       |

REFRAIN #2: [16.75 M]

|E      B/E   |D/E A/E   |E      B/E   |D/E A/E   |E      B/E   |D/E A/E   |
 Hold…  on…               Hold…  on…               Hold…  on…

|E      B/E   |D/E A/E   |E      B/E   |D/E A/E   |E      B/E   |D/E A/E   |
 Hold…  on…               Hold…  on…               Hold…  on…

|E      B/E   |D/E A/E   |E      B/E   |D/E A/E   |Es4    E  |
 Hold…  on…               Hold…  on…               Hold…  on…

     _/_/_/   _/_/     _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/   _/_/   _/  _/   _/     _/_/_/ _/_/_/
    _/   _/  _/ _/        _/      _/   _/   _/ _/ _/    _/     _/     _/   _/
   _/   _/  _/_/_/       _/      _/   _/      _/_/     _/     _/_/   _/_/_/
  _/   _/  _/   _/      _/      _/   _/   _/ _/  _/   _/     _/     _/  _/
 _/_/_/   _/    _/     _/     _/_/    _/_/  _/    _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/    _/

                    /_ _  ____       ALESIS QS6.1                /|
                   ///// ///// --- -- _______  /777777777777777 / |
                  ///// ///// --- -- /______/ /7777777777777/7 /  |
                 /   _____________________________________    /  /
                /   / // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// /   /  /
               /___//////////////////////////////////////___/  /
        _______|   |111111111111111111111111111111111111|   | /_________
       /     _ |____________________________________________|/         /|
      /     // -          --   /________/(O)  ---  ---    ---   KORG  / |
     /     // -  o o o o --   ----------     - -  ----   ---   TR88  /  |
    /  -- ________________________________________________________  /   /
   / (^) // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// / /   /
  /_____/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////_/   /
  |     |1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111| |  /
  |                                                               | /
  |_______________________DA TICKLER ROCKS!_______________________|/
                   ( )/\ \ \                 ( )/ / /
                      \ \ \ \                / / / /
                       \ \ \ \              / / / /

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Comments (1)

Da Tickler


16 years ago
At the end of the first line of the tab I believe the '3-232' gets played by MIDI as a '3', then '23', and then a '2' (that's what it sounds like). Anyway, '-3-232' is actually a 3p2h3p2 where 'p'is a 'pull-off' and 'h' is a 'hammer-on'.

Sincerely, Da Tickler


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