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The Death of Sheet Music?

The University of Adelaide in South Australia is in the process of developing a sheet music e-reader which they believe will be the death of printed music. Similar to how the Kindle and Nook destroyed the printed book industry years ago. Yeah.

The self described "breakthrough" could be operational within three to five years and is "expected to rescue a global music publishing industry in crisis due to rising printing, distribution and warehousing costs associated with printed sheet music."

"Page turns will be possible without moving a hand from the musical instrument. This may be via a foot pedal or some other means." Whoa, slow down there you crazy Aussie innovators. Are you seriously hooking up a Kindle to a foot pedal? And taking 5 years to do it? That is some hardcore high tech.

But we digress...hey, it's Friday, we've got to have a little fun over here. In all seriousness, eBook readers do show signs of promise, though their environmental friendliness is questionable (especially when you take into account the high turnover rate of modern electronics), their Kindle for sheet music does offer other advantages.

"Orchestras, bands and choirs stand to make huge savings as this device will eliminate the high cost of transport, storage and maintenance of printed sheet music. A musician could potentially have access to the entire world’s music repertoire at their finger tips."

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