PLEASE NOTE: The composition below was created by people over whom TabNabber exercises no control. It is intended for private study, research, and to help educate and expand the talents of musicians everywhere. See our terms of use for more.

T|  Blue Collar Man (Long Nights) - Styx (Tommy Shaw, 1978)
A|  Chorded By: Zack Oxford.
N|  4/4 TIME @ 124 BPM (4 Min. 4 Sec.) in 'F'.
B|  Chords Used:
B|  -----------
E|                     GUITAR                 KEYS
R|              E   A   D   G   B   e     Bass| Chord
.|            -----------------------    --------------
C|  D5     -   x   5   7   7   x   x      D    A-D
O|  G7s    -   3   5   3   5   3   3      G    G-C-D-F
M|  A7s    -   5   7   5   7   5   5      A    A-D-E-G
-|  Dm     -   x   x   0   2   3   1      D    A-D-F
T|  Gm     -   3   5   5   3   3   3      G    G-A#-D
A|  C      -   x   3   2   0   1   0      C    G-C-E
B|  A      -   x   0   2   2   2   0      A    A-C#-E
N|  Gm/D   -   x   x   0   3   3   3      D    G-A#-D
A|  C/D    -   x   x   0   0   1   0      D    G-C-E
B|  A#     -   x   1   3   3   3   1      A#   A#-D-F
B|  F/C    -   x   3   3   2   1   1      C    A-C-F
E|  As4    -   x   0   2   2   3   0      A    A-D-E
R|  C/A#   -   x   1   2   0   1   0      A#   G-C-E
C|  INTRO: [10.125 M]
O|  -----
-|  'INTRO' Guitar TAB -
A|  __NC D5    G7s     NC D5    A7s G7s NC D5    G7s     NC D5    A7s G7s NC
B|  __+ 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
N|  e|--|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|
A|  B|--|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|
B|  G|--|7>7>>>5>>>>>>>--|7>7>>>7>>>5>>>--|7>7>>>5>>>>>>>--|7>7>>>7>>>5>>>--|
B|  D|00|7>7>>>3>>>>>>>00|7>7>>>5>>>3>>>00|7>7>>>3>>>>>>>00|7>7>>>5>>>3>>>00|
E|  A|--|5>5>>>5>>>>>>>--|5>5>>>7>>>5>>>--|5>5>>>5>>>>>>>--|5>5>>>7>>>5>>>--|
R|  E|--|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|
C|  __D5    G7s     NC D5    A7s G7s NC D5    G7s     NC D5    A7s G7s NC
O|  __1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
M|  e|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|
-|  B|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|
T|  G|7>7>>>5>>>>>>>--|7>7>>>7>>>5>>>--|7>7>>>5>>>>>>>--|7>7>>>7>>>5>>>--|
A|  D|7>7>>>3>>>>>>>00|7>7>>>5>>>3>>>00|7>7>>>3>>>>>>>00|7>7>>>5>>>3>>>0>|
B|  A|5>5>>>5>>>>>>>--|5>5>>>7>>>5>>>--|5>5>>>5>>>>>>>--|5>5>>>7>>>5>>>--|
N|  E|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|------3>>>>>>>--|------5>>>3>>>--|
B|  __NC            D5
B|  __1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
E|  e|----------------|----------------|
R|  B|----------------|----------------|
.|  G|--------------7>|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|
C|  D|----0>3>2>0>--7>|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|
O|  A|1>3>--------3>5>|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|
M|  E|----------------|----------------|
T|  … More 2 Come …

Song Chord Charts:
PLEASE NOTE: The composition below was created by people over whom TabNabber exercises no control. It is intended for private study, research, and to help educate and expand the talents of musicians everywhere. See our terms of use for more.

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