PLEASE NOTE: The composition below was created by people over whom TabNabber exercises no control. It is intended for private study, research, and to help educate and expand the talents of musicians everywhere. See our terms of use for more.

T|  Eruption - Van Halen
A|  Tabbed By: ???
N|  *** This was copied from 'Ultimate Guitar Archives' to see how the
A|      MIDI PLAYER sounds with it. There was no name associated with,
B|      but I still don't claim any credit for it.
E|  Legend:
R|  ~ = vibrato
.|  p = pull off
C|  b = bend
O|  r = release note from bend
M|  h = hammer on
-|  + = tap
T|  w = whammy bar
A|  / = slide
B|  /X = pick slide
N|  pm = palm mute
A|  (ps) = pick squeel or pinch harmonic
B|  DB = dive bomb

*** This tab is shown in a limited preview until its copyright status can be verified. ***
PLEASE NOTE: The composition below was created by people over whom TabNabber exercises no control. It is intended for private study, research, and to help educate and expand the talents of musicians everywhere. See our terms of use for more.

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