This GNR song is a beautiful peace with a soft haunting melody. I've been meaning to tab this song for a while but I've been busy. I spaced the tab out to give an idea of the feel and basic rythem. This song seems to be in the key of B if that helps you understand the peace better. I give Steveminaks so credit for this tab. He might not have been the best writting it but he tried and thats all that counts. Note this is still a work in progress and will not be done until atleast friday. I will put the chorus in tonight though. V1 5|--C------------------------------------------------------------------------C----------| 4|-D---b--A--b--G------D--G--F--F--G--e-------e--D----C--D--e--F--G----b--b-----A-------| Chours Not totaly sure about this part, but it is pretty close. 2x each time 5|:D-----C---------------------D----C-------------------e----D----------------------C------:| 4|:--b-----A----b------A---------b----A---b-----A---------b----A---b-----A----A--b----A----:| 4|:G-----F--------G------G-----G----F-------G-----G-----G----F-------G-----G---------------:| 4|:-------------e------D------------------e-----D------------------e-----D-----------------:| Song Chord Charts:
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