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Video Game Theme

Castlevania 2 - Bloody Tears
0Rating unknownView Tab

Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow - Demon Castle Pinnacle
0Rating unknownView Tab

Chrono Trigger - 1000 AD
0Rating unknownView Tab

Chrono Trigger - At the Bottom of the Night
0Rating unknownView Tab

Chrono Trigger - Morning Sunlight
0Rating unknownView Tab

Chrono Trigger - Ocean Palace
0Rating unknownView Tab

Chrono Trigger - Wings That Cross Time
0Rating unknownView Tab

0Rating unknownView Tab

Contra (stage 1) Jungle
0Rating unknownView Tab

Donkey Kong - Title Screen Theme
0Rating unknownView Tab

Donkey Kong Country 2 - Bayou Boogie
0Rating unknownView Tab

Donkey Kong Country 2 - Krook's March
0Rating unknownView Tab

Donkey Kong Country 2 - Snakey Chantey
0Rating unknownView Tab

Donkey Kong Country 3 - Cavern Caprice
0Rating unknownView Tab

Dragon Quest Overture
4View Tab

Duck Hunt (NES)
0Rating unknownView Tab

Gothic Main Theme
4View Tab

Jeremy Soule - Ashford Abbey (Guild Wars)
0Rating unknownView Tab

Jeremy Soule - Morrowind Theme
3View Tab

killer instinct main theme
0Rating unknownView Tab

Kinuyo Yamashita - Castlevania Theme
5View Tab

LoZ Song of StormsWindmill Song
2View Tab

max payne theme
5View Tab

Max Payne Theme song
5View Tab

Michiru Oshima - Brothers (Fullmetal Alchemist)
0Rating unknownView Tab

No Turning Back (Mega Man 10)
0Rating unknownView Tab

Pac-Man Intro
0Rating unknownView Tab

Simon's Quest (Castlevania - Bloody Tears)
5View Tab

SNES - F Zero Title
0Rating unknownView Tab

Sonic Adventure 2 (escape from the city)
0Rating unknownView Tab

Starcraft (PC) Zerg
0Rating unknownView Tab

Super Mario Star theme
4View Tab

Super Mario theme
5View Tab

Yoko Shimomura - The Legend of Mana Theme
0Rating unknownView Tab

Zelda Dungeon Remix
3View Tab

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35 Song(s)
35 Tab(s)

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The tabs / transcriptions on this site are developed and submitted by people over whom TabNabber exercises no control. They are intended for private study, research, and to help educate and expand the talents of musicians everywhere.
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